What are Scallion Pancakes

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Scallion pancakes are a popular dish in Chinese cuisine that have gained popularity around the world. These savory pancakes are made by mixing flour, water, and chopped scallions into a dough, which is then rolled out, layered with oil, and fried until crispy. The result is a delicious and crispy pancake with layers of scallions throughout.

Origin of Scallion Pancakes

The origins of scallion pancakes can be traced back to China’s Shandong province, where they were originally called “cong you bing.” The dish later spread throughout China and became a popular street food. Over time, scallion pancakes have become a popular dish in Chinese restaurants around the world, and are often served as an appetizer or snack.


  • The main ingredients used in scallion pancakes are flour, water, scallions, and oil. The flour used is typically all-purpose flour, although some recipes call for a combination of all-purpose flour and wheat flour. Water is added to the flour to make a dough, which is then kneaded until smooth.
  • Scallions are a crucial ingredient in scallion pancakes, and their fresh and oniony flavor is what gives the dish its distinctive taste. The scallions are chopped into small pieces and mixed into the dough, so that they are evenly distributed throughout the pancake.
  • Oil is also an important ingredient, as it is used to layer the dough before it is rolled out and folded into layers. This creates the crispy and flaky texture that is characteristic of scallion pancakes.

Making Scallion Pancakes

  1. Making scallion pancakes is a relatively simple process, but it does require some practice to perfect. To make scallion pancakes, start by mixing flour and water together in a bowl to make a dough. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.
  2. Next, roll out the dough into a thin sheet, and brush it with oil. Sprinkle chopped scallions over the oiled dough, and then fold the dough into thirds, like a letter. Roll the dough out again, and repeat the layering process, adding more oil and scallions with each layer.
  3. Once the dough has been layered, roll it out one final time, until it is thin and even. Cut the dough into circles or squares, and then fry in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.

Serving Scallion Pancakes

Scallion pancakes are traditionally served with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sesame oil. The pancakes can be cut into small pieces and served as an appetizer or snack, or they can be served as a main course with stir-fried vegetables or a protein such as chicken or pork.

Scallion pancakes are a versatile dish that can be customized to suit different tastes. Some variations include adding shrimp or ground pork to the filling, or incorporating other herbs and spices such as ginger or cilantro.


Scallion pancakes are a delicious and versatile dish that has become popular around the world. The combination of crispy, flaky dough and fresh scallions makes for a satisfying and flavorful snack or meal. With a few simple ingredients and some practice, you can easily make your own scallion pancakes at home and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills.

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