What is Zha Jiang Mian?

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Zha Jiang Mian, also known as “Fried Sauce Noodles,” is a popular Chinese dish that originated in Beijing. It is a savory noodle dish made with a thick, savory sauce made from ground pork or beef and fermented soybean paste. The dish is often topped with thinly sliced cucumbers, bean sprouts, and shredded carrots.

History and Origin of Zha Jiang Mian

Zha Jiang Mian has a long history dating back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). It was originally a snack sold by street vendors and was particularly popular among laborers who needed a filling and energy-rich meal to sustain them throughout the day.
Over time, the dish evolved and became a staple in Beijing cuisine. Today, it is one of the most beloved noodle dishes in China and can be found in many Chinese restaurants around the world.

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Ingredients and Preparation

The key ingredient in Zha Jiang Mian is the fermented soybean paste, which is a thick, dark paste made from fermented soybeans, wheat flour, and salt. It has a distinct umami flavor and is a common ingredient in many Chinese dishes.

To make the sauce for Zha Jiang Mian, ground pork or beef is cooked with diced onions, ginger, and garlic until browned. The fermented soybean paste is then added to the pan and cooked with the meat until it becomes a thick and savory sauce.

The noodles used in Zha Jiang Mian are typically thick, chewy wheat noodles, but some variations use thinner egg noodles. The noodles are boiled until tender and then tossed with the sauce. Thinly sliced cucumbers, bean sprouts, and shredded carrots are often used as a garnish.

Variations of Zha Jiang Mian

Zha Jiang Mian is a versatile dish that can be adapted to suit different tastes and preferences. Some variations include:

  • Vegetarian Zha Jiang Mian: This variation uses mushrooms, tofu, or other meat alternatives instead of ground pork or beef.
  • Seafood Zha Jiang Mian: This version of the dish includes seafood such as shrimp, squid, or crab meat in the sauce.
  • Spicy Zha Jiang Mian: Some versions of the dish add chili oil or other spicy ingredients to the sauce to give it an extra kick.
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Nutritional Information

Zha Jiang Mian is a hearty and filling dish that is high in protein and carbohydrates. However, it can be high in sodium and fat, depending on the ingredients used. To make the dish healthier, consider using leaner cuts of meat and reducing the amount of soybean paste or salt used in the sauce.


Zha Jiang Mian is a delicious and satisfying noodle dish that has a rich history and has become a beloved staple in Chinese cuisine. With its savory sauce and hearty noodles, it is a perfect meal for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a comforting dinner, Zha Jiang Mian is a dish that is sure to satisfy.

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